Monday, April 20, 2009

hear me ROAR

my head was touched by a 210 Celsius steel. HOT. so horizontally, i have burns on my head that looks like a bunch of booger stickers stacking on the left side of my nagen. pretty? i think NOT. so i went to a store yesterday, somewhere near my place, and opposite the stationary & printing shop, 5 blocks away from the pasar inanam, a few steps ahead from the lady that sells corn in cup (oh yummy), just around the corner of fei fei workshop, beside the store that i actually went, is a restaurant with an open bathroom. open = platforms of wood, place them in a cubic kind of shape, tada! a toilet. it doesn't even need a door. ew. it was just inches from the wow. an artist. i love art. everything i do is about art. art is me, & i am art. art is in my veins. art art art art. ART! from fARTing to watching bART simpsons, i savy art. i think, this particular word, is being vandalized. who wants to send me to jail?

KUIH SAPIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna go to papar & buy me some original kuih sapit. & kuih kelapa. oh nyaman. tolong la. TOLONG LA!

*these few lines have been deleted by me for bowling reasons. i am not a grasshopper*

so, this dude says, "i'm going to asia!!! YEAAAAAHHH!!!!!" this other dude says, "cool! get me aishwarya rai's autograph or something will ya?" and then he replies, "what? you stupid? that's in India." so the other dude says, "yeah, ur going to asia right? that's why i..." the other dude butts in, "no man, i'm going to ASIA. i wanna watch kung fu pow pow POW!" thus, the dude can only say, ".................................................................." hahh. aint we lucky?

oh dear. i feel so scatterbrained right now, i actually feel like a roadkill. u know, when them chickens & what not running amock when cars are here and there. then *SCCRRRAAAAAAAAPPPEEEEEE* hah. yah.

pardon me. i dont like being angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bida ni ba rasa dia. emo2. ish. yuck. ptui. i spit at you.

i'll.....shut up now.


Amy Ajak said...

get well soon dengan bekas iron tu!
hahaaha cumil ni bah ko cerita yang banyak dalam satu kali! wargh!

hunnah said...

actually, i wanted to be all angry & complain things bout u noe la apa kan, we talked bout it on the phone ari tu!!! :D :D :D :D :D

tp ko tau la kan habit aku...pndai padam2 lepas tulis...miahahaha budunya i~

kyrea said...

aku tau tu kedai mkn mana tu...
juara kan...
sebelah chow yun fattt....
yg kami slalu tapau ne bha dr sn...

hunnah said...


cmna ko tau? dats a miracle...aku sndri pun nda tau apa aku tulis tu T_T

tp mmg btul la...juara


GILAAAAAAAA!!! aku...kagum yg ko dpt teka ^____^

ko pikir, sda aku & mamaku duduk, ready mau mamam nasi ayam, toleh ke sebelah kanan