Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Not...what I bargained for

Please read the awesome list below. Thank you.

Hannah is,

  1. vocal. i talk.
  2. a thinker. i may know what's right & wrong.
  3. not a moron. I can tell if ur using me as ur scapegoat, doormat, & etc.
  4. a pemanas. saya pun pandai marah balik kalau ko marah.
  5. alert. don't play childish games with me.
  6. a person who can hold a grudge against someone.
  7. not sympathetic towards the pathetic.
  8. not one to kiss any asses.
  9. patient, but not to idiots.
  10. actually a nice person (^_^)V *peace*

Mau cari tempat kerja yg lain. I've been saying this a lot sudah. Damn. DAMN!

ps: how nice if i could just put that bitch's name right here in my blog!! really...i didn't hold my studies to be just THIS & being treated like a stupid child.

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