Thursday, December 25, 2008

if a brain has a refresh button :D

i think my brain is experiencing a burnout...due to exessive overthinking, NOT thinking, thinking of benda teda2, thinking of things not to think about & knowing it, thinking of thinking, & just pretty much everything that has to with thinking. adidihh.

now i dunno wat to think anymore. o________________________________0


is dis one of wat december's supposed to do wit people? :D mcm...throughout the year, u did dis, did dat, went thru dis, went thru dat, & then its a bit numb in the end...? tus yg...blank sikit~*

*does dis make sense? bah...monologue...MONO....LOGUE...*

or or!! is it an automatic reaction coz i finished studying?? :D :D

i feel like there's something really missing here. in me. & i just cant pin the tail on the donkey. i cant pin the donkey. at all. erm, ok hate me, but i was more satisfied with myself before; i feel productive. now i feel like a vegetable. an eggplant to be exact. a friggin' eggplant. vat iz zis...? i feel like im not doing enough. i feel like my brain's facing a lag or something. like a malfunction or something. wait. ni suda psychological ka ni? dont tell me :D :D therapists?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

*pnyala~ tolong la...teda2 ni ba...*

becaaaauuuussseee of dis problem, im not able to do things & i kinda let opportunities & stuff wave me goodbye T_________________T coz u dont noe wat to think. ur blurred out most of the time. & almost confused. errrmm..confused la berabis jugak, nda almost hehehe..


atu tah. if only a brain has a refresh button. my brain definitely needs it. ngggeeeehh~!! untill then. tata. the eggplant needs baja. supaya dia subuuuurrr. ha....ha...hadui. ;P

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