Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Recipe to being Fabulous

boleh? GAHAHA!! im lacking sleep & i only had one miserable cupcake. for breakfast & lunch.

1. Comparing yourself with others is a sin, because it means you are insulting yourself.
You might blind yourself from your God-given talents & potential if u do.

2. So, people talk behind your back. Let them say what they want as long as its about U baby ahahaahhahaha things like this make u famous. seriously :P

3. Stares count more than Kg's. If i ate 10 lambchops and still getting some attention (omg i cant believe im saying this), i have nothing to worry about *flips hair*

4. Looks can be deceiving. U can too, if u know what i mean ):D effective when handling people you don't fancy much :P (OMG!)

5. (Bad) Boys are equivalent to manure. Enough said :P

6. Weird is the new black. INDIVIDUALITY!

7. Criticism is good. Gives you the chance to prove people wrong ;D

too bad i only came up with 7 :P