Dear whats-ur-face,
1. ur not worth it, but seriously, im not as nice as amy =)
2. nobody touches my best friends.
3. bring a dictionary bitch, i dont want u to miss one word. it'll spoil the fun dontcha think? dictionary plz u whore dont make me translate.
4. u mess with the wrong people darl
erhem! sadang ta tu pukiiiiiiiiiii ko maki kawan aku babiiiiiiiiiii. wat? cant handle a bit of sarcasm? feeling threatened maybe? HAHA figures. cock-sucking pigs usually feel dat way. and ur one =)
maybe ur just upset. u got din, but ur so damn worried dat ur pussy wont sell to him anymore right? dats y u stalked amy for the past 2 FUCKING YEARS RIGHT? do u know how much u'd gain if u actually invested into something for like 2 years? bodo o kau. i gotta give it to are, by far, the most pathetic person i've known. kau juga la HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! haihh...entertaining oh kau sial. syok aku ketawa.
look, we dont CARE bout u or din, we DONT give a damn, heck, u guys can just fuck each other all day long WE DONT FUCKING CARE!! NEITHER DOES AMY!!! move forward plz bitch. ur so psychotic its hilarious.
let me clarify one thing; compare to u n amy, of course, ur love life deserves more kudos. amy's relationships are like a single rice compare to u. of course. ko bagi puki ko ma. SEPA BULI LAWAN? lelaki mana nda mau. amy, on the other hand, chose NOT to. so u just go ahead and be proud of the fact that u indeed, have a boyfriend, have a flourishing love life compare to amy, coz ur simply A WHORE. k?
lawyer? really? under what Act? r u some kind of moron? lemme give u law lessons k. people from different countries/continents/sometimes states cannot simply put a restraining order/sue/etc from each other. only prime ministers/presidents/international law enforcer/etc can. r u one? no...not with that brain u cant. astaga tulung la punya budu ko ni aku nda tahan oh kimak. dont make me laugh more than i already did. and, if u somehow by miracle could afford a lawyer, and able to have a legal battle with amy, DONT. u'll lose. sepa maki sepa dulu, ha kuyuk? ko yg start BUDU u'll be the one that'll pay the compensation BUDU!
hah...anitah...mun budu payah....satu lagi ah aku explain. dont try to play god. whats with the pussy threats? "dont blame me for what'll happen to ur family"? syiriknyaaaaaa tulung la. look. its not like amy cursed your family & future generations; or things dat could be related. she just gave ur bf, which is her EX BF mind u, a simple MSG. plz. tuluuuuuung la.
oh ok. so now u wanna attack me? mulut aku kurang ajar? memang. semua org benci aku. so? aku sundal. gatal. mcm amy juga. so? i have no love life, as i noe, u stalked my blog too, so? aku p kacau bf org? SO? kau pun HELLO? u dont know me bitch. im standing up for amy i think u wana call us lesbians. right? SO? u can curse me ALL U WANT. o ya. dont even try to create conflict between me and amy so we'll go against each other. dont even think about it. malas ta ku ingau. ur not the one who's giving me my salary. cakap ja laaaaa apa2 kau mau. it doesnt change the fact that ur stupid. and ur english is broken ur embarassing to the brunei clan. seriously. bikin malu oh kau.
haaah...ur a waste of time, and u have no friends. kesian. dont mess with a girl who has a hotelier for a best friend bitch. big mistake. so i bid u farewell, u have things to say ur welcome to drop a comment here no biggie =) if din the pussy has things to say he can write it here as well =) if ur friends wana say things too, boleh ba kalau ko! n ur family? be my guest. i'll show them how u cursed amy just for a single msg =) u started dis =) its been fun =) msg me in fb, browse me anywhere u want I DONT CARE. saya tidak takut dengan orang bodoh. PIGI MAMPUS.