Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Recipe to being Fabulous

boleh? GAHAHA!! im lacking sleep & i only had one miserable cupcake. for breakfast & lunch.

1. Comparing yourself with others is a sin, because it means you are insulting yourself.
You might blind yourself from your God-given talents & potential if u do.

2. So, people talk behind your back. Let them say what they want as long as its about U baby ahahaahhahaha things like this make u famous. seriously :P

3. Stares count more than Kg's. If i ate 10 lambchops and still getting some attention (omg i cant believe im saying this), i have nothing to worry about *flips hair*

4. Looks can be deceiving. U can too, if u know what i mean ):D effective when handling people you don't fancy much :P (OMG!)

5. (Bad) Boys are equivalent to manure. Enough said :P

6. Weird is the new black. INDIVIDUALITY!

7. Criticism is good. Gives you the chance to prove people wrong ;D

too bad i only came up with 7 :P


PaDLe PoP said...

You're always fabulous!!

hunnah said...

thank u bebeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^______^

hunnah said...

thank u bebeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^______^

Marc Hudson said...

When hiring an academic editor, seek someone who is an expert in using the appropriate formatting required by your university (e.g., MLA or APA style), who has experience editing dissertations in your field and who is willing to offer references.